Gold: $3083.54  |  Silver: $34.11

1907 Barber Dime

1907 Barber Dime
1907 Barber Dime Value

Coin Info

Melt Value
United States
Silver Coin
Metal Content
0.07234 t oz
Face Value
$0.10 USD

More than 30 million Barber dimes were minted in 1907, meaning there are plenty of ten-cent pieces from that year to satisfy coin collectors. Making matters even more pleasant for numismatists is that all business-strike issues from that year were struck in large numbers. That means it’s easy to find examples at the coin dealer, and in a grade of Good, their prices are in no way prohibitive to the typical coin collector.

Here’s a breakdown of mintages and values for 1907 Barber dimes:

  • 1907 – 22,220,000; $5

  • 1907-D – 4,080,000; $6

  • 1907-O – 5,058,000; $7

  • 1907-S – 3,178,470; $7

  • 1907 proof – 575; $600

*Values are for coins in a grade of Good-4, unless otherwise noted.

While the Philadelphia-mint Barber dimes from 1907 had the clear advantage in terms of mintage figures, they do not cost much less than their branch-mint cousins, which are also highly affordable in the lower circulated grades.

The only 1907 Barber dime issue that poses a cost issue for most coin collectors is the proof variety, though relatively few coin collectors actively pursue proof issues of that vintage. At a price of $600, the 1907 proof Barber dime is about five times more expensive than a lower-end uncirculated, common-date Barber dime.

1907 Barber Dimes for Sale

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