Gold: $3083.54  |  Silver: $34.11

1913 Barber Dime

1913 Barber Dime
1913 Barber Dime Value

Coin Info

Melt Value
United States
Silver Coin
Metal Content
0.07234 t oz
Face Value
$0.10 USD

1913 Barber dimes were struck in relatively small numbers as compared to the previous few years before then – but not because the Philadelphia mint had become lazy. Rather, the Denver mint did not strike any dimes in 1913, and the San Francisco mint struck a smaller batch, more in keeping with its mintage figures of earlier times.

Here’s a glance at the mintage figures and values of 1913 Barber dimes:

  • 1913 – 19,760,000; $5

  • 1913-S – 510,000; $25

  • 1913 proof – 622; $600

*Values are for coins in a grade of Good-4, unless otherwise noted.

While there is nothing markedly special about the Philadelphia Barber dime, there is something to be said about the 1913-S dime, which is easily considered a semi-key coin by collectors today. Barely half a million of these coins were made and surely only a fraction survive today.

In the scale of modern-day coinage, 510,000 is a small number, and it’s surprising that a business-strike coin with such a small mintage is still anywhere affordable for many collectors.

Proof 1913 Barber dimes are not necessary for completing a business-strike set of coins and thus can be avoided by coin collectors who would rather focus on obtaining scarcer issues.

1913 Barber Dimes for Sale

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