Gold: $2935.91  |  Silver: $32.57

1910 Barber Half Dollar

1910 Barber Half Dollar
1910 Barber Half Dollar Value

Coin Info

Melt Value
United States
Silver Coin
Metal Content
0.36169 t oz
Face Value
$0.50 USD

The decade of the teens started with relatively few Barber half dollars. With the New Orleans mint having closed in 1909, the duties of minting new coins fell on the proverbial shoulders of the Philadelphia and San Francisco mints; Denver did not strike any half dollars in 1910. While mintage figures for 1910 halves were relatively slim (and existing populations today are even slimmer), values for half dollars from that year are not substantially higher for coins in a grade of Good as compared to Barber half dollars of much higher mintages.

For more perspective on the availability of the 1910 Barber half dollar, check out the mintage figures below:

  • 1910 – 418,000; $26

  • 1910-S – 1,948,000; $20

  • 1910 proof – 551; $900

*Values are for coins in a grade of Good-4, unless otherwise noted.

It will pay off if you spend a little extra time in searching for Barber half dollars from 1910 that are in decent shape. It may prove to be a little difficult to find a 1910 Barber half that is in a grade of full Good or better and without signs of damage. However, original Good-plus Barber half dollars, especially better dates, are decidedly scarce and may potentially bring handsome returns when the times comes that you sell your 1910 Barber halves.

1910 Barber Half Dollars for Sale

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