Gold: $2911.56  |  Silver: $32.50

U.S. Mint American Eagle Coins – Bullion Sales for Week Ending December 26, 2014

U.S. Mint American Eagle Coins – Bullion Sales for Week Ending December 26, 2014

It was Christmas week, and while the stockings were hung by the chimney with care, the promise of a few more 2014-dated American silver and gold eagle coins was satisfied here. Yes, unlike last week, when I had anemic production figures to report from the U.S. Mint, it looks like several thousand gold eagle coins and slightly more than a half million 2014 American silver eagles were distributed for sale.

While the sales numbers coming out of the U.S. Mint this week are definitely stronger than those from last week, it’s important to note the year doesn't appear to be going out with a bang, at least as far as sales totals go. Of course, this is largely due to the fact that minting facilities are slowed by federal holiday closures this time of the year. Also, the U.S. Mint is gearing up for 2015 coin production now.

Here are the American silver eagle and gold eagle coin figures for the week ending December 26, 2014:


November 1-30

December 1-26

1 Oz. American Silver Eagle



2,459,000 for December

1 Oz. American Gold Eagle



13,000 for December

1/2 Oz. American Gold Eagle



0 for December

1/4 Oz. American Gold Eagle



6,000 for December

1/10 Oz. American Gold Eagle



35,000 for December

These numbers reflect increased distribution since last week, which may have been spurred on in small part by the marked decrease in bullion prices right before Christmas. While gold and silver are standing (as of this writing) at $1,198 and $16.12 respectively, which is about where they were at this point last week, prices for both metals fell during the middle of this week; gold lowered to $1,176 on Christmas Eve and silver was trading at $15.73 on December 22. With prices now having roughly recovered to their December 19 figures – when I last reported bullion sales figures from the U.S. Mint – those who bought when prices sank a bit during the December 22-24 period must be smiling now.

What will gold and silver do as we tick away the final moments of 2014? I'll follow up with an end-of-year report in just a few days, so stay tuned. 

U.S. Mint Announces 2015 Coins & Products Release ...
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