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Can You Spare A Dime? 4 Reasons Collectors Should Consider Roosevelt Dimes

Can You Spare A Dime? 4 Reasons Collectors Should Consider Roosevelt Dimes

The Roosevelt dime has been largely overlooked by coin collectors for generations. While the dime widely circulates and is still an essential part of daily commerce, it seems Roosevelt dimes don't receive the attention other coins, such as the Lincoln cent or Washington quarter, get from the hobby community at large. There are many reasons why the dime simply doesn't sit high on most coin collectors' lists, including a lack of low-mintage issues.

But that doesn't mean Roosevelt dimes have nothing to offer coin collectors! In fact, there are plenty of wonderful reasons hobbyists should consider collecting Roosevelt dimes, including:

#1 – They're Affordable Coins

As Roosevelt dimes don't enjoy a very large base of dedicated coin collectors, many dates that are rather considerably scarce are in fact reasonably priced due to a general lack of demand. Among the scarcer Roosevelt dimes are the 1949-S, 1955, 1955-D, and 1955-S dimes – all of which have mintages of less than 20 million and yet can be bought for less than $5 in circulated grades.

#2 – Roosevelt Dimes Are A Long-Running Series

Roosevelt dimes were first minted in 1946 and have been in production ever since. Not many coin series run for some seven decades, but the Roosevelt dime has, and unlike Lincoln cents, Jefferson nickels, or Washington quarters, both the obverse and reverse designs on the Roosevelt dime have remained essentially unchanged, save for minute die modifications. There are hundreds of date-and-mintmark combinations across all business-strike and proof issues, so building a complete collection of Roosevelt dimes could keep a hobbyist busy for quite some time!

#3 – There Really Are Rare Roosevelt Dimes

It might be common for folks to dismiss Roosevelt dimes as a series with no rare dates, but that claim just isn't true. There are several rare issues to be found among the Roosevelt dime series. Ever hear of the 1968 no-S Roosevelt dime? How about the 1970 no-S, 1975 no-S, or 1983 no-S proof Roosevelt dimes? Maybe the 1982 no-P Roosevelt dime? These error varieties are not only incredibly scarce, even rare, but they are also worth a pretty penny to boot – some as much as six figures! The 1982 no-P Roosevelt dime is worth $75 or more, and they can even still be found in circulation.

#4 – Roosevelt Dimes Are Made From 90% Silver!

Silver bugs, rejoice! The Roosevelt dime was made from a 90% silver composition from 1946 through 1964, and 90% silver proof specimens have been made since 1992. That means collecting Roosevelt dimes can help you store precious silver bullion for silver investing purposes and emergencies. Talk about practical coin collecting!

The world of Roosevelt dimes is one that all coin collectors who are interested in modern coins should consider. While Roosevelt dimes can be readily collected from circulation, your nearest coin dealer should have a plentiful supply of rare, scarce, and valuable Roosevelt dimes sure to suit your coin collection.

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