Gold: $3123.53  |  Silver: $34.09

1960 Franklin Half Dollar

1960 Franklin Half Dollar
1960 Franklin Half Dollar Value

Coin Info

Melt Value
United States
Silver Coin
Metal Content
0.36169 t oz
Face Value
$0.50 USD

1960 Franklin half dollars are common coins that were struck by the millions. With more than 25 million originally minted and plenty available across the entire grading spectrum, 1960 Franklin half dollars are easy for the typical coin collector to both find and afford.

As the decade of the 1960s began, silver prices would begin ticking upward, which happened to coincide with an ever-growing interest in coin collecting across the United States. In part because of these two reasons, millions of Franklin half dollars, as well as other silver coins, would be stockpiled by collectors and hoarders, which is largely why these coins are so widely available today.

Here’s a glance of 1960 Franklin half dollar mintages and values:

  • 1960, 6,024,000 minted; $11

  • 1960 proof, 1,691,602; $20

  • 1960-D, 18,215,812; $11

*Values are for coins in a grade of Very Fine-20, unless otherwise noted.

If you are looking to buy uncirculated examples of 1960 Franklin half dollars, which can be bought for under $20 each, you might want to take a little extra time (and spend a proverbial few extra dollars) to purchase full bell line Franklin halves, which are very desirable among coin collectors and especially die-hard Franklin half aficionados.

1960 Franklin Half Dollars for Sale

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