Gold: $3123.53  |  Silver: $34.09

1962 Franklin Half Dollar

1962 Franklin Half Dollar
1962 Franklin Half Dollar Value

Coin Info

Melt Value
United States
Silver Coin
Metal Content
0.36169 t oz
Face Value
$0.50 USD

Common by all respects, 1962 Franklin half dollars were made in vast quantities to fill an ever-growing need for circulating silver coins. With silver prices climbing, bullion hoarders descended on dimes, quarters, and half dollars, removing them from circulation and putting stress on the nation’s supply of circulating coinage.

More than 45 million Franklin halves were made, and many were quickly pulled from the channels of commerce. While this resulted in a coin shortage during the time, what it means for coin collectors today is that there are plenty of high-grade Franklin halves (and other silver coins of the era) available.

Here’s a breakdown of mintages and values for 1962 Franklin half dollars:

  • 1962, 9,714,000 minted; $11

  • 1962 proof, 3,218,019; $20

  • 1962-D, 35,473,281; $11

*Values are for coins in a grade of Very Fine-20, unless otherwise stated.

When you buy 1962 Franklin half dollars, you may want to consider purchasing uncirculated specimens. Mint State Franklins from 1962 can generally be bought for less than $15 each and are ideal additions to any United States coin collection. With a little extra searching, you may find full bell line Franklin halves, which are well-struck examples of the coin with complete horizontal lines across the Liberty Bell (business strike Franklin halves are not typically well struck on that part of the coin).

1962 Franklin Half Dollars for Sale

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