Gold: $2920.72  |  Silver: $33.07

1869 Large Head Indian Princess Gold Dollar

1869 Large Head Indian Princess Gold Dollar
1869 Large Head Indian Princess Gold Dollar Values

Coin Info

Melt Value
United States
Gold Coin
Metal Content
0.04838 t oz
Face Value
$1 USD

1869 Indian Princess Large Head gold dollars are numismatic collectibles that most often purchased by coin hobbyists who enjoy pre-1933 U.S. gold coinage. Gold dollars played an important role in commerce throughout the United States but were especially popular in the western United States, which served as the stage where the great Gold Rush originally unfolded in the 1840s.

1860s gold dollar coins are generally scarce, and the 1869 gold dollars are no exception. While most 1860s gold coins were struck at multiple mints, 1869 gold dollars were struck at just one: the Philadelphia Mint. This is where both business-strike and proof specimens were made in 1869. Here’s a breakdown of the mintages and values of 1869 gold dollar coins:

  • 1869, 5,900 minted; $964

  • 1869 proof, 25; $10,000

*Values are for coins grading Extremely Fine-40, unless otherwise noted.

While these gold dollars saw widespread circulating, they were also popular as holiday gifts, due to their gold content and lower face value. For this reason, many 1869 gold dollars remain preserved in uncirculated condition. On the other side of that proverbial coin, many gold dollars are found with post mint damage that was caused by encasement in pieces of jewelry such as necklaces and bracelets. That’s why some gold dollar coins have nicks, grooves, and surface bruises, particularly around the rims and edges.

1869 gold dollar coins are quite small in the physical sense. They measure a mere 15 millimeters in diameter, weigh only 1.672 grams, and contain just 0.04837 ounces of gold. These small coins are also much more affordable, comparatively speaking, than larger pre-1933 gold coins such as $10 eagles and $20 double eagles. However, as compared to their spot value, most gold dollars are actually quite expensive – sometimes $100 or more over spot. Therefore, they don’t always make the best acquisitions for bullion investors who are looking to buy low-premium gold coinage.

1869 gold dollars were designed by United States Mint Chief Engraver James B. Longacre, who served as United States Mint Chief Engraver from 1844 through 1869. In addition to the Indian Princess Large Head gold dollar, he also designed the other two gold dollar coins and many low-denomination copper, nickel, and silver coins, including the Flying Eagle cent (minted from 1856-1858), Indian Head cent (1859-1909), two-cent piece (1864-1873), various silver and nickel three-cent coins (1851-1889), and the Shield nickel (1866-1883).

1869 Large Head Indian Princess Gold Dollars for Sale