Gold: $3083.54  |  Silver: $34.11

1887 Large Head Indian Princess Gold Dollar

1887 Large Head Indian Princess Gold Dollar
1887 Large Head Indian Princess Gold Dollar Values

Coin Info

Melt Value
United States
Gold Coin
Metal Content
0.04838 t oz
Face Value
$1 USD

1887 Indian Princess Large Head gold dollars are popular pre-1933 U.S. gold coins that are widely collected by numismatists. Indian Princess dollars are usually collected as a type coin, though a few hobbyists of incredible financial means will attempt to collect this series by date – certainly no small feat. The gold dollar circulated widely in commerce during the late 1840s, 1850s, and early 1860s. By the 1880s, the gold dollar denomination was minted in small quantities, though many were saved in higher grades. This is due to widespread hoarding of gold dollars by collectors and jewelers beginning in the late 1870s.

1887 gold dollar coins were struck only at the Philadelphia mint. Both business strikes and proofs were minted. Here is a glance at the mintages and values of these classic gold coins:

  • 1887, 7,500 minted; $552

  • 1887 proof, 1,043; $5,000

*Values are for coins grading Extremely Fine-40, unless otherwise noted.

1887 gold dollars are 15 millimeters wide, weigh 1.672 grams, and contain 0.04837 ounces of gold. These small gold dollars are relatively affordable as compared to the cost of larger gold coins, though they also carry higher numismatic premiums, gram for gram. Therefore, they may not make the most economic purchases for bullion investors who want the most amount of gold for the least amount of money.

United States Mint Chief Engraver James B. Longacre designed the 1887 gold dollar. Longacre served as chief engraver from 1844 through 1869, and he designed many popular U.S. coins during his tenure. Among these coins are the Flying Eagle cent (struck during 1856-1858), Indian Head cent (1859-1909), two-cent piece (1864-1873), various silver and nickel three-cent coins (1851-1889), and the Shield nickel (1866-1883).

1887 Large Head Indian Princess Gold Dollars for Sale