Gold: $2857.78  |  Silver: $31.14

1929 Mercury Dime

1929 Mercury Dime
1929 Mercury Dime Value

Coin Info

Melt Value
United States
Silver Coin
Metal Content
0.07234 t oz
Face Value
$0.10 USD

The last year of the 1920s saw a large output of Mercury dimes – something that wouldn’t be seen again until 1934. In 1929, more than 35 million Mercury dimes were struck, which is by no means a record-high figure, even among pre-1934 dimes, but is still a large enough number to render 1929 Mercury dimes as common. In fact, 1929 is the earliest year in the Mercury dime series for which one could buy an uncirculated example from any of the three mints (Philadelphia, Denver, and San Francisco) for under $100 each.

Here’s a breakdown of mintage figures and values or 1929 Mercury dimes:

  • 1929, 25,970,000 minted; $4

  • 1929-D, 5,034,000; $5

  • 1929-S, 4,730,000; $4

*Values are for coins in a grade of Good-4.

Expounding on the point made above, all of the three 1929 Mercury dime issues can be bought for relatively low prices; $40 fetches a Philadelphia issue, and $55 could buy either a 1929-D or 1929-S. If you’re investing funds into buying uncirculated 1929 Mercury dimes, you may want to spend a little extra time and energy looking for FSB (fully split band) specimens, which look much crisper than ordinary uncirculated Mercury dimes and may also bring a better return on your investment should you decide to sell your coins down the road.

1929 Mercury Dimes for Sale

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