Gold: $2857.78  |  Silver: $31.14

1927 Peace Dollar

1927 Peace Dollar Value
1927 Peace Dollar

Coin Info

Melt Value
United States
Silver Coin
Metal Content
0.77344 t oz
Face Value
$1 USD

1927 Peace dollars are comparatively scarce, especially when compared to silver dollars dated 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, and 1926. Peace dollars from 1927from all three mints combined originally totaled well less than 3 million, and that’s not even accounting for the meltings that have occurred since then (especially those of the 1979-1981 era, during which tens of millions of 20th century silver coins were melted for their silver content).

A breakdown of the 1927 Peace dollars shows that Denver struck the most dollar coins that year, with 1,268,900 made in the Mile High City. Philadelphia and San Francisco struck nearly equal numbers, at 848,000 and 866,000, respectively.

What do these relatively low numbers indicate for the values of these coins? Chiefly, that even the lowest-grade 1927 Peace dollars are quite valuable. With a silver value of $20 per ounce, expect to pay $25 to $30 for even a Fine-Very Fine specimen from any of the three mints striking U.S. coins in 1927. Values begin to ascend rapidly as you approach the Mint State grades, with each of the three silver dollars easily commanding $200 to $350 in the Mint State 60-63 range.

If you’re seriously considering buying any high-end 1927 silver dollars, consider buying them slabbed to avoid being taken by a cleverly cleaned piece.

1927 Peace Dollars for Sale

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