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  Thursday, 27 April 2017
  3 Replies
  7.1K Visits
Hi, i found this 1999 penny with no "God" dd on second "T" on trust and lincoln's big nose, is any value in this coin?
Hello Claudia --

I do see a light hint of "GOD" there, which suggests it was struck, if only lightly. I do see other areas of weakness on the coin which suggests it was struck by a weak/worn die or a grease-filled die. Some collectors do pay a very small premium for such coins, usually in the neighborhood of $1 to $2 more.

I hope this info is helpful,
7 years ago
Hi, thanks for your answer.
And what about the nose and the double on the second T ?
Hello, Claudia --

For some reason I'm not seeing anything on the nose. The blobs of metal look like possible die chips, though I can't tell for certain in the photo. Overall, this coin appears to have been struck from a worn, late-stage die. With the die chips, I believe this coin is worth possibly $3 to $5, perhaps more based on if the blobs turn out to be anything more than die chips.

My best wishes,
Josh @ CoinValues
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