Gold: $2913.55  |  Silver: $33.06
  Friday, 12 October 2018
  1 Replies
  5K Visits
Anyone know what the exact specifications that are deemed valid to determine a United States coin mint error coin? It’s something I just can’t seem to find a satisfactory answer to or the answers that I have gotten in the past few years are not the correct ones that i’m In need of knowing. If anyone knows anything about these specific requirements please post a reply to my long hard and confusing quest.
Thank you so much.
6 years ago
There are a wide range of mint errors, some of them common and due to inadvertent sloppiness at the mint, and others that are specific and repeated for certain coin series. There is no way to globally give you a run-down of mint errors as most of them are specific to each coin and year.

We list the most common errors for most coins. The best thing you could do to get started is to peruse our info pages and read up on whichever coins you may posess:

Gold Coins
Silver Coins
Wheat Pennies
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