Gold: $2937.57  |  Silver: $33.05
  Tuesday, 21 March 2017
  3 Replies
  3.5K Visits
7 years ago
Dave, that's a nice set of coins to have inherited. You can find info on the US coins by following the corresponding links on our gold and coinvalues calculator pages.

Here are the direct links:
[*] 1934 Walking Liberty Half Dollar
[*] 1953 Washington Quarter
[*] Standing Liberty Quarters (year illegible due to heavy wear)
[*] 1907 Liberty Head $10 Gold Eagle
[*] 1911 Indian Head $5 Half Eagle
[*] 1908 Indian Head Gold $10 Eagle

For the Israeli and British coin you would have to hope for someone with more knowledge to inform you better.
7 years ago
Thanks so much for the very helpful reply. Am I reading this right: "1908-S, 59,850; motto – $975", means I might be able to sell it for $975? If I wanted to sell them I assume I'll get closer to that on eBay than at a local dealer, correct?
7 years ago
It doesn't look like your $10 Indian Head is an S. You would see the mintmark on the coin and it would probably be printed in the sleeve. Look at the reverse of the coin to see if it has the "In God We Trust" motto or not.

We would expect you get around $700-$800 for the coin. Since it is unslabbed you are probably better off taking it to a coin dealer. The amount you get depends a lot on the condition which cannot be properly guesstimated from a photo.
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