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  • Hello my fellow coin collectors. I recently got back into coin collecting and I wanted to focus in on wheat pennies because having to many things to look for on all coins was mind blowing. So, I will get to the point, I found a 1920 wheat penny no mint mark, but the date on the obverse side...

    Hello my fellow coin collectors. I recently got back into coin collecting and I wanted to focus in on wheat pennies because having to many things to look for on all coins was mind blowing. So, I will get to the point, I found a 1920 wheat penny no mint mark, but the date on the obverse side is different. The " 9 " in the date is curved back the opposite direction then it should be. Looks like it was stuck fast and some of the copper flipped around where it lays now. It is securely stamped into the penny just never seen one of these before and research on it is elite. Could someone tell me what it could be worth, where to send it to get appraised, or if anyone has seen this before. I have pictures if you would like to see.

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