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  • Zulema carrasco is now friends with Carlos Martinez
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  •   Wendy Anne Boutell commented on this post about 7 years ago
    Hi i have the two pennys year 1982 and 1983,,,
    Comments (6)
    • Hi, Carlos --

      Please weigh the 1982 cent to see if it's made primarily from copper or zinc. The copper ones are worth about 2 cents for theirHi, Carlos --

      Please weigh the 1982 cent to see if it's made primarily from copper or zinc. The copper ones are worth about 2 cents for their intrinsic metal value. Otherwise, zinc versions are generally worth face value if worn, and 1983 cents without errors or varieties are also worth face value if circulated.

      Best wishes,
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    • The penny 1982 is more heavy that 1983,, i send you some pictures,,
    • It sounds like you have a 1982 copper cent then. Without seeing the photos, I can already tell you it's worth at least two cents for its copperIt sounds like you have a 1982 copper cent then. Without seeing the photos, I can already tell you it's worth at least two cents for its copper value.   More ...
    • Does anyone have a scale? I think that’s the only way to definitely tell if your penny is copy or zinc BUT I do not know the weights (sorry).
    • I would also love to know the interest from this community in owning the Alamo $ minted in 1980 with only 2,000 made. Anyone care to comment?
    • Finally (for tonight) what do you in the community think about sites like Ruby Lane listing 2 cameo (66 I think) 5 cent pieces, one with rays and oneFinally (for tonight) what do you in the community think about sites like Ruby Lane listing 2 cameo (66 I think) 5 cent pieces, one with rays and one w/0, in the $75k plus range (way above).   More ...
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