Gold: $2914.82  |  Silver: $32.81

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Added a comment in 1935 Peace Dollar
  about 1 year ago
And yeah, I do believe sellers can cancel purchases but only if like terms and conditions are not being met. Not paying on time , only receiving partial payment. Things like that. But paid in full and money accepted, I think he’s obligated to turn over the item. As far as I know, a buyer can’t withdraw his bid once the bidding has ended. During , yes, but not after. Anyway, it’s not so much the coin, which after a huge stink, might catch someone’s attention and i possibly lose it anyway, it’s the principle and bad business that bothers me. What would be the point in auctions then? As far as I’m concerned eBay has lost any credibility as a business. Sure I’m mad and letting off steam but man, what happened to ethics?
Added a comment in 1935 Peace Dollar
  about 1 year ago
No, he did not. Said he can’t find it though he had just days prior put it up for auction. I’m not sure about that canceling after it was auctioned off , paid for and funds accepted. Once all that happened it became my property contractually. Unless on line auctions are governed differently. I’m looking into it. eBay may get a little paperwork as well. Oh, and you can believe I left a friendly rating and explanation.
Added a comment in 1935 Peace Dollar
  about 1 year ago
Regarding Peace Dollars, I came across a 1964 D on eBay. It was up for auction. It also had a buy now option. I bought it. Paid in full. Hours later the seller sends a message stating that the coin is no longer available and eBay issued a refund. I’m thinking the seller realized what he had. Bad business on eBay’s part for allowing such practices.
  about 1 year ago
I came across a 1870 seated liberty dollar. An s as a matter of fact. The thing is someone scratch the motto completely off, apparently not a fan of religion. Also the mint mark looks suspicious. Actually, there is an S under the S . This mint mark also seems a bit high and to the left . Quite possibly a fake. It is silver though. Weighs out.
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