Gold: $2387.91  |  Silver: $27.93

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  about 6 years ago
I just used your awesome site for back up info to purch an 1855 G$1 pcgs-61 in amt $1290. Discussion with my dealer bud, premiums on rarities like this (& $3 gold pieces) have continued dropping. thx
  about 6 years ago
Love the CC Morgs. :)
  about 6 years ago
2017 - Gold rose in all major currencies.
Added a comment in Resistivity Meters & PCGS
  about 7 years ago
First sentence below is best I have read this year. Read & heed. From article linked below... "[b]The United States federal government is not a benevolent caretaker, but a leech that will use its citizens as a host to keep itself alive.[/b] As mainstream pundits and elected officials inevitably shift blame around like a twisted version of musical chairs, remember that self-reliance is the only solution. Those who become dependent on this crumbling house of cards are doomed to suffer the same fate as those seen waiting in lines for government handouts in places like Venezuela. Celebrate the $20 trillion dollar debt by breaking from the old system and exploring the new economy built on peer-to-peer networks, where individual skills are worth more than empty promises made by the State."
Added a comment in Resistivity Meters & PCGS
  about 7 years ago
Update on MS-65, $20 Libs: Now retailing for about $2810. (spot @ $1219) "...retailed for $4750 back in FEB '04 with spot at $410." Therefore, spot is 809 higher and the beautiful -65, $20 Libs are $1940 lower.
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