Gold: $2928.02  |  Silver: $31.80
  • Morgan 1895 Philadelphia silver dollar
    Please can someone help a few weeks ago came across several morgan dollars at my mums old house anyway this week decided to try and find out their value the one that really has me puzzled is a 1895 Morgan Dollar with no mint mark I have attached...
    Please can someone help a few weeks ago came across several morgan dollars at my mums old house anyway this week decided to try and find out their value the one that really has me puzzled is a 1895 Morgan Dollar with no mint mark I have attached 2 scans... When I try and do research this it I believe it to be a Philadelphia 1895 silver dollar but all the pages I read say this doesnt exist so must be a fake?? It is definately silver and doesnt look like the mint mark has been removed, I emailed 2 coin auction houses earlier this afternoon but had no reply as yet, has anyone any idea if this does look real or any help appreciated many thanks
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