Gold: $2387.91  |  Silver: $27.93
  • Streber added a new comment in Resistivity Meters & PCGS
    Adding a personal observation to the article linked at bottom re "Rundown of Slabbing Services."
    At any large coin show, for example Long Beach, you will see two kinds of slabbed coins...PCGS or NGC.
    In past few years PCGS seems to be preferred by collectors (as stated in the linked article).
    Adding a personal observation to the article linked at bottom re "Rundown of Slabbing Services."
    At any large coin show, for example Long Beach, you will see two kinds of slabbed coins...PCGS or NGC.
    In past few years PCGS seems to be preferred by collectors (as stated in the linked article).
    The others?
    Have any other type (not PCGS or NGC) of graded coin checked carefully by someone knowledgeable. Better yet, have it reslabbed.
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