Please has anyone heard or seen this type of error? 1942 with doubling of Lincoln head? But it's stuck onto another penny? Is it worth the it's printed on?? Please help, thank you
- General Discussion
- Tuesday, April 16 2019, 02:47 AM
Please has anyone heard or seen this type of error? 1942 with doubling of Lincoln head? But it's stuck onto another penny?or was it minted this way? Looks like someone tried separating without success. Is it worth getting it looked at?? Please...Please has anyone heard or seen this type of error? 1942 with doubling of Lincoln head? But it's stuck onto another penny?or was it minted this way? Looks like someone tried separating without success. Is it worth getting it looked at?? Please help, thank youMorePost is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream.
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