Gold: $2583.61  |  Silver: $30.76
  •   Jamie Davis reacted to this post about 1 year ago
    Coin Values replied to a discussion, 1944 Steel Penny
    It is impossible to tell by a photo if it is a steel penny or not. One thing you can try is seeing if it sticks to a magnet. Copper/zinc pennies are not magnetic, but steel pennies are.

    That said, there are only a couple dozen 1944 steel...
    It is impossible to tell by a photo if it is a steel penny or not. One thing you can try is seeing if it sticks to a magnet. Copper/zinc pennies are not magnetic, but steel pennies are.

    That said, there are only a couple dozen 1944 steel pennies in existence. It would be highly unlikely to casually come across one.
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