Gold: $2914.47  |  Silver: $33.03
  •   Steve commented on this post about 2 years ago
    Just a suggestion for CV. I am seeing a LOT of dealers selling and collectors buying bullion and thought a spreadsheet chart like that of your gold & silver coin values but with the different weights of bullion products. I have seen weights ranging from ¼ grains & ¼ grams on up for both gold & silver. And now I see "GoldBacks" that start at 1/1000th of an ounce.

    Just a thought but I think it might save new bullion buyers a lot of money if they had something like this to refer to BEFORE they buy bullion.
    Comments (2)
    • Thanks for the suggestion, Steve. That is definitely worthy of an informational article at the least. We'll see if we can get working on that soon!
    • I should mention that you might want to include in your article if you happen to go ahead and write one, that we dealers do need to make a littleI should mention that you might want to include in your article if you happen to go ahead and write one, that we dealers do need to make a little when selling bullion and often costs will be a tad higher that spot price. If I can ever help with articles let me know and I'll see what I can do.  More ...
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