Gold: $2985.93  |  Silver: $33.87
  •   Coin Values commented on this post about 1 year ago
    My 55 Wheat Penny Is An Odd Red Color Anyone Know About It? Its My Cover Photo.
    Comments (3)
    • Pennies can take different forms of color over time due to the interaction of the metals with the elements. Also, freshly minted copper penniesPennies can take different forms of color over time due to the interaction of the metals with the elements. Also, freshly minted copper pennies usually have a reddish hue. Those tend to be very valuable. Only the trained eye of a numismatic grader in person can tell for sure. Have you taken it to a local coin shop for appraisal?  More ...
    • No IHavent Had It Looked At I Just Found It & Thought Its An Odd Color.
    • Pennies can have odd colors at times. It's unlikely that it is anything rare, but obviously without seeing the coin in person it is impossible toPennies can have odd colors at times. It's unlikely that it is anything rare, but obviously without seeing the coin in person it is impossible to determine for sure. You should definitely take it to a reputable coin shop to quell any doubt you may have.  More ...
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