Gold: $2873.89  |  Silver: $32.49
  • Nomadness added a new comment in 1935 Peace Dollar
    Regarding Peace Dollars, I came across a 1964 D on eBay. It was up for auction. It also had a buy now option. I bought it. Paid in full. Hours later the seller sends a message stating that the coin is no longer available and eBay issued a refund. I’m thinking the seller realized what he had. Bad...
    Regarding Peace Dollars, I came across a 1964 D on eBay. It was up for auction. It also had a buy now option. I bought it. Paid in full. Hours later the seller sends a message stating that the coin is no longer available and eBay issued a refund. I’m thinking the seller realized what he had. Bad business on eBay’s part for allowing such practices.
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