Gold: $2916.45  |  Silver: $33.05
  • It is nigh on impossible to appraise a coin on the internet, and without images we couldn't even ballpark its possible condition. That said, any sign of wear means that it is circulated. Assuming you are referring to an 1885 $5 gold liberty head...
    It is nigh on impossible to appraise a coin on the internet, and without images we couldn't even ballpark its possible condition. That said, any sign of wear means that it is circulated. Assuming you are referring to an 1885 $5 gold liberty head you can get an idea of its possible value here: Keep in mind that our estimated values in that article are based on circulated specimens in very fine condition. Don't confuse your coin's value with the "Melt Value" posted on top of the page. You will have to read the article to see the very fine condition values. Obviously if it happens to be uncirculated then values shoot up dramatically.

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