Gold: $2879.36  |  Silver: $32.03


​You are living in a time and place when empire and State are strong, the individual is weak.When enough individuals get motivated they will demand justice. The pigs currently in control of the trough won't like that. There are case studies. MLK is a...
  1.   Monday, 27 February 2017
  2.   Viewpoint
  3. 0 Comments
is that after 85 years of Keynesian Economics introduced by FDR & his crony stooges (Harry Hopkins: "We will spend and spend, tax and tax, elect and elect.") the system is now so severely distorted it functions about as well as an old crack ho.Th...
  1.   Thursday, 28 January 2016
  2.   Market Analysis
  3. 0 Comments
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