Gold: $2316.08  |  Silver: $27.26
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  • Hello Matt,

    I have several Eisenhower silver dollars. They 'mounted' in plastic and then in brown packaging. It looks like a tiny s above 1971. I think they have been in a safe since purchase.

    What can I do with them? Where would I go to sell them...or are they something to hold on to and...

    Hello Matt,

    I have several Eisenhower silver dollars. They 'mounted' in plastic and then in brown packaging. It looks like a tiny s above 1971. I think they have been in a safe since purchase.

    What can I do with them? Where would I go to sell them...or are they something to hold on to and pass along to younger family members?

    Thank you for any info or guidance you may share.
    Regards, Christine

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