Gold: $2907.52  |  Silver: $32.55
Keep on top of the latest news in the gold and silver bullion & numismatic coins world.

Why 2016 Liberty Commemorative Coins Aren’t In Silver – Yet

Coin collectors who love classic American numismatic designs are excited for the new 2016 commemorative coins that will celebrate the 100th anniversaries of the Liberty Head (or "Mercury") dime, Standing Liberty quarter, and Walking Liberty half dollar. The three coins, which were first minted in 1916, were made for decades and are still among the ...

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United States Coin Shows For September 17-30, 2015

Coin shows provide a great venue for buying and selling coins, meeting other numismatists and coin professionals, and learning more about the pastime you love. Coin shows are usually held by coin clubs that range in size from a few dozen members to organizations as large as the American Numismatic Association, which presently boasts some 30,000 members.

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United States Coins Shows for the Week of September 10-16, 2015

Attending coin shows is a wonderful way for collectors to make new acquaintances, buy and sell coins, and learn new things about the numismatic pastime they enjoy. Coin shows are usually hosted by coin clubs and may range in size from a dozen or so members up to huge organizations such as the American Numismatic Association, which has nearly 30,000 members.

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United States Coin Shows for the Week of September 3-9, 2015

Attending coin shows is a great way to meet new numismatic friends, trade or buy and sell coins, learn things about the hobby you love and, of course, enjoy a colorful stroll on the coin show bourse. There is almost always a coin show happening somewhere in the United States each weekend, and there are several going on during the week of September 3 through September 9, 2015.

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United States Coin Shows for August 20-31, 2015

Coin shows are superb places to make new numismatist friends, buy and sell coins, learn new things about coin collecting, and do some window shopping on the bourse. Thankfully, it’s rather easy to find a coin show in your neck of the woods, as there are hundreds of coin shows each year throughout the United States.

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Coin Shows for the Week of August 13-August 19, 2015

Coin shows are a great venue for meeting other numismatists, buying and selling coins, and learning something new about the pastime you love. Hundreds of coin shows are staged around the United States each year, some quite large and others small.

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Coin Shows for the Week of July 31-August 6, 2015

Summer is heating up for a lot of the nation, and so, too, are the number of coin shows around the United States. There are numerous coin events happening around the country for the week of July 31 through August 6, 2015, including several that have been listed here for your convenience.

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U.S. Mint Announces 2015 Silver Eagle Re-Release Date As Silver, Gold Prices Continue Slipping

The U.S. Mint, which recently sold out of the very popular American Silver Eagles, is set to resume sales of the 2015 silver bullion coins on July 27. But here's the big question -- what might the silver market look like a week from now? Silver and gold prices continue stumbling, following a trend that the bullion market has been watching since at least last fall.

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2015 American Silver Eagles Sell Out As Silver Prices Plunge

The United States Mint has sold out of 2015 American Silver Eagles and will not be distributing any more for about two weeks. This news comes during a massive uptick in demand from bullion investors as silver prices have plunged, with prices dropping below $15 on July 7. Early trading on July 8 showed silver prices below $14.90, and as of this writing on the afternoon of July 8, prices hover just above the $15 mark.

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Coin Shows for the Week of July 3-9, 2015

If you’re looking for coin shows in your neck of the woods during the week of July 3-9, 2015, you’re in luck, as there are several coin show events happening. Coin shows are a great place to meet fellow coin collectors, hear lectures, buy and sell coins, and have an overall good time with wonderful numismatic company.

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Coin Shows for the Week of June 26-July 2, 2015

Want to find coin shows that are happening in your neck of the woods during the week of June 26 through July 2, 2015? Of the many small-size, medium-scale, and large coin shows happening that week, there are two in Mississippi and Florida that have been gaining some attention.

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Coin Shows for the Week of June 19-25, 2015

If you’re looking for coin shows that are happening near you, then you may be in luck. There are several coin shows going on throughout the United States for the week of June 19-25, 2015. Coin shows aren’t only great places to meet other like-minded individuals and buy or sell coins, but many also offer seminars, lectures, and other exciting and enriching opportunities to learn more about your favorite hobby.

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Check It Out! Coin Shows for the Week of June 12-19, 2015

Looking for coin shows that are happening during the week of June 12-19, 2015? Here’s a list of coin shows that will be going on throughout the United States. As it happens, every coin show on this week’s list will be happening on June 14, which is a Sunday.

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Check it Out! Coin Shows for the Week of June 5-11, 2015

There are several coin shows going on during the week of June 5 through 11, 2015. Coin shows provide coin collectors with a great opportunity to meet fellow numismatists, interface with coin dealers, buy new acquisitions for their collections, and even learn a thing or two about their hobby through lectures and seminars.

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Harriet Tubman Replacing Andrew Jackson on the $20 Bill? Why It May Not Happen Anytime Soon, If At All

Perhaps you’ve heard the news that a recent private poll declared slavery abolitionist Harriet Tubman as the favorite choice among a selection of historic women to replace President Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill. The candidates, which included Susan B. Anthony, Sojourner Truth, Martha Washington, and Eleanor Roosevelt, were presented by a group called Women on 20s, which has been trumpeting efforts to place a female face on the otherwise male-dominated U.S. paper currency.

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2015 March of Dimes Special Silver Set, Reverse Proof Roosevelt Dime Excite Collectors

Two 2015 proof Roosevelt dimes are really catching the attention of coin collectors. The 2015 March of Dimes Special Silver Set is being offered to the public for $61.95 beginning at 12 PM Eastern Time on May 4. This 3-coin set will not only feature the namesake 2015 March of Dimes commemorative silver dollar, but it will also bring to the table two special proof Roosevelt dimes – a Philadelphia reverse proof dime and West Point standard proof dime.

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What Are Your Favorite Coins? Results of This New Poll Reveal What Some Coin Collectors Like

Whether you’re a coin collector or a coin investor, chances are you’ve got a favorite coin series. If I had to choose mine, I’d probably say it is the Lincoln cent, the very first series I ever started collecting. While Lincoln pennies are very popular with millions of coin collectors, they certainly aren’t the only series to stand before the numismatic spotlight.

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Rare, Valuable Error On 2015 American Silver Eagle Coins

A new error has been discovered on 2015 American silver eagle.

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Market for Rare U.S. Coins Heating Up In 2015 - Here's Why

Last year, sales of rare U.S. coins approached $536 million. It looks like things may get even hotter in 2015, during which we'll see the first offerings from the highly anticipated D. Brent Pogue sale. 

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Women's Group Urges Removal of Andrew Jackson from the $20 Bill

If one group has its way, Andrew Jackson may soon be disappearing from the $20 bill. Women on $20s is a non-profit campaign to place a woman on the $20 bill. A fitting gesture, they say, because their hope is to have this new $20 bill ready for printing in the year 2020 -- the 100th anniversary of the year women were legally given the right to vote by the ratification of the 19th Amendment. 

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