Gold: $2933.54  |  Silver: $32.70

Why (Most) Old Wheat Pennies Aren’t Worth Hundreds of Dollars

Many folks visit Coin Values asking about the value of their old wheat cents. I think a lot of these visitors believe they've hit the jackpot when they find an old Lincoln wheat cent in circulation and then come here wanting to know whether their 1941 penny is worth either hundreds of dollar or thousands of dollars. How disappointing it must be for...

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5 Ways Coin Collectors Can Get More Bang For Their Buck

Many coin collectors spend much of their time and energy looking for the best deals out there. For some, saving even five or ten percent off the prices of basic coin supplies is worth the effort in searching for the best deal. And, I don't really know any silver bullion stacker who isn't on the prowl to eek out a cut-rate bargain, saving 1 or 2 cen...

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Before You Buy Rare Coins: 3 Things To Remember

​I know many folks who buy rare coins because they have the money and want to earn more of it through reselling their coins down the road, when their investments may increase in value. But I also know many individuals who have bought rare coins and didn't make all the money they expected to. Or, they wound up inadvertently buying counterfeit coins....

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2017 U.S. Silver Coins for Collectors & Investors

All types of people enjoy buying silver coins for a variety of reasons, including numismatic enjoyment, investment, artistic appreciation and holiday gifts for themselves and others. Whatever the reason, no matter the season, the United States Mint perennially offers an array of silver coins, and the year 2017 is no exception. There is a huge selec...

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Four Ways To Find World Coins For Your Coin Collection

Many coin collectors want to know how they can go about adding world coins to their collections. "World coins" is a relative term that generally refers to coinage made outside the nation of a given collector's residence. So, in the case of a United States coin collector, world coins would include coinage from Canada, Mexico, the nations in Europe, ...

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Is It Time To Build 21st Century Type Coin Sets?

Type set coin collecting has been a favorite pursuit of many United States hobbyists for years, and one of the most popular type sets that collectors build is the 20th-century coin set. For those who don't know, a 20th-century type coin set consists of one coin bearing each design produced by the United States Mint during the 20th century. The spec...

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Why Lincoln Memorial Cents Make Great Collectibles

Take a look at your pocket change. How many pennies do you see? Of those, how many sport the classic Lincoln Memorial reverse design that was struck from 1959 through 2008? The Lincoln Memorial penny was struck by the billions upon billions. But there are fewer of them popping up in general pocket change today than before 2010, when the current Uni...

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Can You Spare A Dime? 4 Reasons Collectors Should Consider Roosevelt Dimes

The Roosevelt dime has been largely overlooked by coin collectors for generations. While the dime widely circulates and is still an essential part of daily commerce, it seems Roosevelt dimes don't receive the attention other coins, such as the Lincoln cent or Washington quarter, get from the hobby community at large. There are many reasons why the ...

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2017 U.S. Gold Coins For Collectors and Investors

Coin collectors and investors who want 2017 U.S. gold coins are in luck, as there are several great options to choose from. As always, there are the $5, $10, $25, and $50 Gold American Eagle coins, and buyers also have an array of 2017 gold commemorative coins to choose from. Here's a brief rundown on the 2017 gold coins that will be hitting collec...

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What’s On The 50 State Quarters? Here’s The Rundown!

Even nearly 20 years after the first 50 States Quarter was released in 1999, coin collectors still enjoy what became one of the most popular commemorative coin series of all time. The obverse of each 50 States Quarter features a portrait of George Washington, while the reverse design incorporates themes relevant to the given state honored on that q...

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The Joys Of Collecting World Coins

Just about every coin collector at one time or another has an interest in collecting world coins. While defining what a "world coin" is depends on one's regional perspective, it's safe for just about every purpose to describe world coins as those that originate from a nation other than that in which the collector was born or lives. For a coin colle...

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New Coins For 2017: Great Buys For Modern Coin Collectors

The year 2017 promises to bring many great things for coin collectors who enjoy modern coins. It's actually a big year for the United States numismatic scene, as April 2 marks the 225th anniversary of the establishment of the United States Mint. Thankfully, coin collectors get to enjoy many lustrous gifts during this monumental numismatic birthday ...

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We Need To Get More Kids Involved In Coin Collecting

When Whitney Houston crooned the lyrics, "I believe the children are our future," in her 1985 hit "The Greatest Love of All," she could've been singing about the hobby of coin collecting. I began collecting coins at the age of 11 years old in 1992, and it seems the hobby is no demographically younger today than it was in the 1990s. What happened? W...

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Why I Love Collecting Mint Sets

I've enjoyed collecting United States Mint uncirculated coin sets since the 1990s. Uncirculated sets, often referred to as mint sets, are collectible sets of coins packaged by officials at the United States Mint. What comes in a mint set, and why are they so enjoyable to collect? A mint set is a set of coins from a given year that generally contain...

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Silver Mexican Pesos Are Beautiful American Alternative to U.S., Canada Silver Dollars

Many hobbyists enjoy collecting classic Morgan and Peace silver dollars from the United States or Canadian silver dollars from the mid 20th century bearing the likenesses of King George V, King George VI, or Queen Elizabeth II. But it seems far fewer coin collectors consider the world crown-sized silver beauties from Mexico. The coins of Mexico sho...

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The Joys Of Collecting World Crowns

I, like many other coin collectors, enjoy world crowns. They're beautiful coins with high silver content and relatively affordable prices. By no means are crowns an economically efficient vehicle for buying bullion – silver bars and traditional bullion coins are, gram for gram, cheaper for silver stackers by far. Still, world silver crowns are amon...

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Reagan Coins Bring Presidential $1 Coin, First Spouse Gold Coins Series To An End

​The Presidential $1 coin series that began in 2007 with the George Washington dollar is wrapping up in late 2016, and the last coin is winning one for the Gipper – Ronald Reagan, that is. The Ronald Reagan dollar coin has become one of the most popular issues in the series that honors our nation's former deceased presidents. Meanwhile, the concurr...

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Are 1776-1976 Quarters Worth Saving? What Other Valuable Quarters Should You Look For?

Many readers ask me about what their 1776-1976 Bicentennial quarters are worth. I think a lot of people find 1976 quarters interesting because they look so different than many of the other quarters in their pocket change. I started collecting coins long before the 50 States Quarters were first released in 1999, and I remember when 1776-1976 Bicente...

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Collectors Gear Up For 2016 Walking Liberty Half Dollar Gold Commemorative Coin

The November 17 release date draws nearer for the 2016 Walking Liberty half dollar commemorative gold coin – the final installment of the three-coin Liberty Centennial gold coin program that began earlier this year. Many coin collectors couldn't be any more excited about this United States Mint commemorative coin program. The Walking Liberty half d...

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4 Bullion Coin Buys Collectors Will Love, Too

Bullion coins were originally designed for metals investors who want to store gold and silver in an easily manageable and accessible form. Yet, over the last few decades, gold and silver bullion coins have become a popular area for diehard numismatists. Whether United States silver and gold bullion or world bullion, coin collectors are increasingly...

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